I am Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dean of Intellectual Foundations at the University of Austin.
Previously I was McFarlin Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of Tulsa, where I taught from 1988 to 2020.
I’ve published five books and roughly sixty scholarly articles and review essays on the thought of Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, Kierkegaard, the Talmud, the Holocaust, ideological tyranny, and other subjects A past winner of the University of Tulsa Outstanding Teacher Award and the College of Arts and Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award, I've received grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, The Littauer Foundation, the Earhart Foundation, and the Koch Foundation, and have lectured in Israel, France, England, Romania, Brazil, Denmark, Norway, and at universities around the United States. My most recent book is Glaucon’s Fate: History, Myth, and Character in Plato’s Republic, Paul Dry Books, 2018.
In addition, my articles have appeared in The New Criterion, Commentary, Newsweek, the Claremont Review of Books, the Jewish Review of Books, City Journal, Mosaic, Tablet, the New York Post, Unherd, Quillette, Forbes, and The Nation, among other venues.
I have appered in numerous podcasts including The Symbolic World, The Art of Manliness, and the podcast of City Journal and First Things.